Thursday 6 December 2012


Following on from the post on 17th November 2012, let us have a look at what the pyramid texts have to say about Osiris.   Why Osiris you ask – because the Ancient Egyptians used the starbelt of Orion to symbolize Osiris.    And, as many of you already know, the Giza Pyramids replicate 2 of the 3 major stars in Orion.   For these reasons just mentioned, Osiris interests me as regards obtaining an understanding of what will happen when the large circle closes. 

Firstly, to return to the point of departure, to start, it is necessary to give back life. Osiris is Atum, the one who accomplished the cycle, whose other face is Re, one being the nocturnal part, the vital strengths, the other the diurnal part, the luminous strengths, according to the famous formula of the tomb of Nefertari. In other words, the death is generative of life: Horus, the descendant, symbol of the continuity, is born of his dead father.

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